When your Soul feels as Radiant as the Sun...Because you SUrrenDered to your pain...and allowed the Holy Spirit to walk you through your Soul's Darkest Night...So the little girl you'd been "working on"...Could be COMPLETELY Revealed....and completely Healed...then handed tools to stay safe...She told me her secrets...and the more we talked...she started to tell me... Continue Reading →

Open Letter to Those In Mental Pain…

Ruminating thoughts of Self-Hate… Feelings of Worthlessness…Rehearsing every word they said to make you feel less than… Every new Offender Ripping the Band-Aid off, over and over again… Every new offense making the wounds start to ooze and bleed… Remembering the dirty ways they made you feel… Remembering the inappropriate things they did to you... Continue Reading →

Morning Glory…

  When You… Inhale…..Exhale…and you no longer hear the pieces of your broken heart rattling with each breath… When you… Inhale…Exhale….and you feel your heart strings  mending back together… When You… Inhale…Exhale…and you don’t wince in pain from the pangs of your heart… When you… Inhale…Exhale…and it’s no longer a labored breath that is laden... Continue Reading →

Pretty Girl Crying…

  Today she will Cry... and she will Cry some more... But she is brave and facing her Journey... She could find a way to fill the void with shallow things that are just a fix or a placeholder...but that may be detrimental to her soul... So she will Cry...because it Hurts...and it's okay to... Continue Reading →

Tiny Boxes & Crumbs

She made herself feel like she could fit in a Little box…and inside that Little box was a smaller box…she forced her inside…and told herself if she could make you Happy she would be Happy…She also convinced herself she could live off of the Crumbs you threw her Too… You see… Love feeds your brain... Continue Reading →

5:20am…Good Morning Heartache…

Good Morning HeartAche, Thank you for waking me at 5:20 am & reminding me of the state I’m in…I was chasing sleep in order to escape the feeling of my broken pieces…This place called Self AwareNess is a Brutal Battle Ground of Emotionally sortin’ through your sh#t….Its Exhausting….But it builds your character back from the... Continue Reading →

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